
Which services are available?

Our specialty is creating customized hairstyles to fit your style, including haircuts and braids.

How can I schedule a meeting?

You may easily make an appointment by getting in touch with us personally or by using our online booking system.

Which kinds of braids are available?

Our elaborate and beautiful braids are customized to your desires, ranging from traditional to trendy.

Can I customize your haircut?

Of course! Our haircuts are tailored to your specific demands and style.

Are hair products available for purchase?

Yes, we offer a variety of high-quality hair products to maintain the gorgeous look of your hair.

What can I anticipate from my initial appointment?

Anticipate a customized consultation and professional assistance that enhances your natural attractiveness.

How frequently should my hair be cut?

Every six to eight weeks, regular haircuts help keep hair looking polished and healthy.

I want to schedule a service, can I have a consultation first?

Of course! We provide consultations to go over your ideal look and address any concerns.

Do you fulfill unique requests or preferences?

 Yes, we enjoy fulfilling unusual requests and designing one-of-a-kind looks just for you.

Which alternatives do you have for pricing?

Our low and transparent pricing plans provide excellent value for high-quality services.

What is the $30 deposit for?

The $30 deposit is required to secure your appointment and will be applied to your final bill.

Is the deposit refundable?

No, the deposit is non-refundable if you do not show up for your appointment.

Can I reschedule my appointment?

Yes, you can reschedule your appointment if you notify us at least 48 hours in advance. We will provide you with available slots.

What happens if I cancel my appointment?

If you cancel your appointment without a 48-hour notice, the deposit will not be refunded.

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